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Monday, November 30, 2009

The Garden of Eve

The Garden of Eve by K.L. Going was an easy read. Its a more heartfelt book instead of danger and adventure. The main character loses her mother and the story is about her and her father relocating and getting on with their lives. The new town they move to has events that start unfolding and they are quickly caught up in it. Its a good book that has a little bit of mystery to it. I enjoyed it because even though it wasn't a fast paced adventure, it always kept you wanting to read to find out what happens next.

Cirque Du Freak Series

This twelve book series by Darren Shan is not your usual vampire story. This series was packed full of adventure, suspense and a new twist around every corner. He keeps you on your toes and wanting more and more with each book you read. Darren uses himself as the main character throughout the entire series and swears that the events really happened. You will become attached to him from book one and will want to follow him on his journey of becoming a half vampire, to killing off vampaneze, making the journey to Vampire Mountain, and fighting in the war of the scars. I thoroughly enjoyed this new take on a Vampire Story. Once I picked the first book up, I had to finish reading the rest of the series. You will get attached to Darren and Mr. Crepsley and when you are done reading, Darren leaves you asking yourself, "Could this really have happened?"